Mumble 11/15/21 ATTENDANCE: James, Jason, Nathan, Doug, Billy, Daniel, Paul I.Agenda a) November 19th - 20th: Shield training/Thanksgiving Feast! DFW [9:07PM] - Get confirms from Scott [TBD], George [TBD], Nathan [TBD], Daniel [X], Doug [got tendonitus thus X], Ellis [confirmed] b) National Dec 3rd - 5th: [9:08PM] - Get confirms from Scott (working on it) [TBD], Daniel [ticket has been bought (one way)] George [TBD], Nathan [decent chance he can attend] -Get 6th off if able -Unaffiliates c) Texas Pool Party Christmas Event - Dec 11th, 7 pm, McKinney TX [9:12PM] -Jared Taylor, Stonetoss, PF guys, others -RSVP to for # of tickets II.Activism a) Weekly sticker run - Did everyone meet the weekly requirement? [9:10PM] Doug [X], Scott [X], Nate [X] b) Banner Drop [9:15PM] -11/19 as we travel to NW1, Baylor? Stencils from NW1 c) Austin mural debrief [X] Will not in attendance III.Paul TX Inventory/Costs a) Gear check [9:25PM] -Nathan [can't currently confirm for Dec. doesn't have a jacket. has betsy and pf patches. no bumpcap], George [TBD] -Jacket, bump cap, hat, boots, patches, mask b) Shield Teams Leg guards (Heavy shield only), chin strap (Paul, Doug, James, Will, Scott?) c) Patches available on 20th. Square $5, Round $10 In need of patches, not attending 20th: -Scott: 1 Chevron, 1 Round -George TBD -Nathan needs NW and round patch d) Promat availability - resupply on 20th, bring $ just in case. Nathan good on promat. e) Transportation - handle costs if relevant [9:27PM] III.Jason TX Fitness a) Fitness update/Gym progress [9:33PM]: Fitness goals: Billy: will dm me Daniel: get faster mile time, do more pushups and pullups, increase weight Doug: get back to old lifting standards, increase plank, do lunges James: gain 20-25lbs to 210-215lbs. hit the 1pl8 ohp 2pl8 bech 3pl8 dl. do cardio. good gains in lifts. trouble eating a lot. Jason: gain 5-10lbs dorito body shape Nathan: just get in better shape Paul: updated workout routine. focus solely on strength plus calesthenics and cardio. still trying to find a balance. no solid developments. b) Advice (Diet, lifts, etc) c) Vices: Billy: manaing weel. introduced celery and macadamia nuts. Daniel: good, but slipped up on saturday. drank a redbull. James: focusing on procrastination. putting more effort into work, pf and gym. wants to read more. Jason: good with socmed. find a new vice. Nathan: drinks a lot of coffee, and smokes weed. Paul: read everyday. did a good job until thurs. fell into this trap of looking at yt and telegram instead of reading. this coming week, will try to get an hour of reading a day. IV. Open Forum